Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All good things come to a beginning.......

As you can imagine, there was quite a bit of preparation that went into this trip. Bringing to life the idea of shipping five students, a teacher and about 600 pounds of supplies from the U.S  to Cambodia was quite the undertaking. With intense planning and more discussions about lice and travelers diarrhea than one should have in a lifetime, we did it! First there was the choosing of the students, then consent forms, followed by vaccinations, flights and fundraisers. Those things were relatively easy to prepare for because of the help of some extraordinary parents, friends and the passion of a teacher that matches my own. (thanks, Jen!)  Unfortunately, we all know there are some things you simply cannot prepare for in life. For me, this moment I agonized over would be the moment I would see the orphans for the first time after not seeing them for a year. Throughout the last year I have dreamt about them, lost sleep over them and yearned ridiculously over seeing them again. I can tell you now that the moment was worth it all.

After traveling for 24 hours, losing power our first night and surviving on no sleep, all seven of us headed down that polluted dirt road to the orphanage.  My adrenaline and nerves were impossible to keep in check. I envisioned jumping out of the back of the truck we were riding in and sprinting down the street but seven Americans squished into the back of a pick-up was already a spectacle...I held back.

I was overwhelmed with worry. Would they remember me? The sweaty girl in sunglasses with hyperactive tear ducts?   I  also worried some of them would be gone and feared they had run away. I was struggling with the thoughts and more worried that they would still be there.....still orphans. Then it happened! I heard my name coming from the gates of the orphanage, they shouted it, over and over.....they remembered!!!  I could never articulate how completely incredible this was and ever do it any justice but I will say it was one of the most joyful and exhilarating feelings I have ever felt, EVER.

They were all there, just like in my dreams. Dina, Tida, Kyn, Kim, Bonlou and then I found Taupe, in bed.  I hugged him and exhaled a year's worth of anxiety, he was half asleep, I was deliriously happy. I hugged them all. I tried to keep it together but It was such a sense of relief to see for myself that they are safe, the tears wouldn't give a girl a break. It's a funny thing when you leave a situation better than you found it because there is always a fear that things will revert back to the way they were once you are gone. It makes you feel like you never want to leave and you can't get back fast enough. I am happy to say that all that we worked so hard for last year has been maintained.

The students from the U.S are adapting well and just this morning were using lice combs on some of the children and acting as if it was a completely normal activity. We worked half the day on the farm yesterday, we were covered in chicken poop, garbage and sweat by noon. This afternoon we are heading back to the farm to keep them on track to becoming self sustainable. We bought the supplies to build a new chicken coop roof and the pigs have been ordered!

I am so lucky to be able to do this, this is absolutely my purpose in life and I wouldn't be able to accomplish any of it without the support and encouragement from you. THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. "Most joyful and exhilarating feelings EVER" - YES, working with children is joyful! My tears flowed just reading these words of yours. You have a gift of sharing your emotions, a beautiful part of you, in these blogs. I look forward to turning on my computer and seeing a new blog. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Blessings, Bronwyn
