Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I have never slept better. I am not sure if it's the ease of  the anticipation and anxiety over bringing these two worlds together or the peace of mind that came with seeing that the orphaned children are safe, but I have been comatose the second I lay my head on my pillow, every night I have been here. The combination of watching the students from Vail, Nina,Tabor,Kassie Jack and Anna grow stronger and more aware each day and the daily struggles of the children at the orphanage has made my heart do some overtime. I asked the parents of the students to write their child a letter before we left that I would give to them sometime during this trip. I gave them those letters on Sunday night, which was Easter. The next morning Jack pulled me over to the computer to show me the letters he had already written back to each of his family members. I got about four words deep and teared up after reading this:

"Hey Dad tonight I got your letter, and it was a huge boost for me, thank you. I miss you very much and am excited to see you when I come home. You talk about how you are honored to be known as Jack's dad but I think its the other way around..... its me, honored to be Jim's son. Without you there is no me  and you have given me everything that has made me successful. You are the smartest person I know and I get to live with you! I am proud to be known as Jim's son."

The letter went on, it was very touching to read and I am honored he let me. I know getting to experience the children at the orphanage who have no one to soothe them when they are sick or help them when they are hurt has been a real eye opener. You don't begin to realize your parents aren't built in fixtures in your life unless you don't have them and you can't even fathom appreciating what they do for until it's not there. Having parents who love and care for you is a privilege, the students from Vail have seen that now, first hand.

Today we worked hard. We made a pit stop at the market, trying to locate cleaning supplies, brooms, sponges and towels in the dirtiest Country on earth, not quite a piece of cake. Once we gathered everything we made one more stop at a vegetable stand to buy the orphanage another day's worth of  food. Hanging pork loins covered in flies and odd looking vegetables made for an interesting conversation at the road side stand. We arrived at the orphanage ready for battle against dirt and germs and excited to feed them lunch. All the kids pitched in and our Vail students were right beside them like old pros. They were scrubbing walls, toilets and floors, as some of the little boys decided to slide across the floor on their stomachs with soap covered bodies and sponges on their hands and feet, it was a spectacle. After we cleaned the girls side we headed over to the boys and took care of business. With so many soapy bodies sliding back and forth across the floor it was done in no time! We ended the day with another round of de-licing and lots of loving on the kids. Goodbyes are getting much harder for our group....mission accomplished.

I am officially, deliriously happy. Sleep tight!


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