Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Children's Global Alliance

Welcome to The Children's Global Alliance. My goal in creating this organization is to empower the "At-Risk" kids in America by allowing them to make a hands-on difference in the lives of children in the world's most impoverished countries. For now I thought it would be great to get things going by introducing what I am trying to accomplish.

As many of you know I have been working with Middle school aged children deemed "At-Risk" for many years. The program I am currently involved with does an extraordinary job at teaching these kids principles, values and how to create a better path for themselves through education and compassion towards one another. I have seen many kids transform and refocus their energy to become positive influences in their peer groups. Unfortunately, I have seen a larger number not commit to the program and continue down their paths to becoming negative statistics in society. This fact keeps me up at night and has prompted me to create my own non-profit that works specifically to empower these hardest to reach kids.

Students are placed "At-Risk" when they experience a significant mismatch between their circumstances and needs, and the capacity or willingness of the school to accept, accommodate, and respond to them in a manner that supports and enables their maximum social, emotional and intellectual growth and development. In the United States every DAY 4,356 children are arrested, 2,383 are reported abused or neglected and 2,261 children drop out of high school. Multiply these numbers annually and the statistics are heart breaking. The complexities these children are navigating on a daily basis are immense and unfair especially for children who are not emotionally equipped to handle them. It is estimated that 24 million children in the United States are considered to face at least one risk factor that will negatively impact their lives at some point. I have experienced firsthand how difficult it is to build relationships with these children who many times have never been able to establish trust with an adult and constantly test the strength and boundaries of those who care for them. It takes months of dedication but the reward is immeasurable. Sadly, by the time I am able to make a break-through the program ends for the semester and we move on to the next group having just scratched the surface. The main goal is to create caring and sustained relationships, reachable goals, realistic hopeful pathways and encourage and educate them about the value of making positive contributions to other people. This is why I have created the Children's Global Alliance.

I want to build upon the relationships I have worked so hard for. I want to take these "At-risk" children to impoverished countries during the Summer to work and live in actual communities where orphanages out number schools and hospitals. I want to ignite in them a purpose and passion for helping others and appreciating that although their lives are difficult there is always someone with a larger struggle. I have seen the biggest impacts occur in kids through giving them firsthand experiences. I want to impact these children not just for a semester, but forever change their lives. I will initially have to start small and will rely strictly on donations for this project. I will be conducting a research trip throughout 19 different orphanages in Cambodia beginning on May 15th. I have planned to stay for one month. While I am there I will be volunteering in an orphanage 40 hours per week and conducting research on the weekends. The purpose for this trip is to determine where the most need is and work with the directors of the orphanages to facilitate the program. This is the first step in reaching my goal to love these kids enough to put my heart and soul into a program designed specifically to change their path in life while making the lives better for impoverished children who truly have nothing and no one.

Well, that wasn't quite "in a nut shell" but it's hard to put something that I am so fiercly passionate about in just a few words. I am currently collecting donations to fund my research trip on May 15th. If you or anyone you know is able to donate please do so on the secured Paypal "donate" button located to the upper left of this text. I don't have much time and anything and everything helps. Thank you for your support and be sure to check back regularly for updates on my progress.



  1. Hey LM, congrats on your new project!!! I wish you the best of luck! :)

  2. WOW LMH, I had no idea you were so altruistic all these years! I am so proud of you and wish you much success while you follow your passion. I truly admire you and your ambition! I know the kids you are trying to help will never forget the lessons you will teach them through this experience. God bless you!

  3. I wish more amazing people like you would do the same and take action versus being couch potatoes like most in the USA.
